Moving out of Oregon State involves several considerations that are unique to the region, as well as general aspects of relocating to a new state. Whether you’re moving to a neighboring state or across the country, here’s what you need to know:

1. Understand Tax Implications

  • State Taxes: Oregon has no sales tax but does have state income tax. Moving to a state with different tax structures can impact your finances, both in terms of income and expenditure.
  • Property Taxes: If you owned property in Oregon, familiarize yourself with the property tax structure in your new state.

2. Update Legal and Official Documents

  • Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration: You’ll need to get a new driver’s license and register your vehicle in your new state. Each state has its own deadlines and requirements for these.
  • Voter Registration: Update your voter registration to ensure you can vote in your new state.

3. Climate and Environmental Adjustments

  • Weather Differences: Oregon’s climate, particularly in the western part, is known for its rainfall and mild temperatures. If moving to a state with a significantly different climate, prepare accordingly.
  • Outdoor Lifestyle: If you’re accustomed to Oregon’s outdoor lifestyle, consider how this might change in your new location.

4. Housing and Real Estate

  • Housing Market: The real estate market can vary greatly from state to state. Research the housing market in your new location, especially if you plan to buy a home.
  • Cost of Living: The cost of living can differ significantly from Oregon, affecting housing, utilities, groceries, and other expenses.

5. Select a Reliable Moving Company

  • Interstate Movers: Choose a moving company with experience in interstate relocations. Ensure they are licensed and insured for interstate moves.
  • Moving Quotes: Get multiple quotes and compare services to find the best fit for your needs and budget.

6. Plan for the Move

  • Travel Route: Plan your travel route and consider any potential challenges like mountain passes or weather conditions.
  • Packing: Pack with the weather in mind, both in Oregon and your destination state. Certain items may need special attention due to climate differences.

7. Healthcare

  • Health Insurance: If you have a state-specific health plan, you may need to find a new provider. Check the healthcare options available in your new state.

8. School Transfers for Children

  • Educational Records: If relocating with children, organize the transfer of school records and familiarize yourself with the educational system in your new location.

9. Emotional and Social Considerations

  • Cultural Adjustments: Prepare for any cultural differences or social adjustments in your new state.
  • Community and Lifestyle: Consider how your lifestyle, hobbies, and community involvement might change after moving.

10. Familiarize Yourself with New State Laws

  • Local Regulations and Laws: Every state has its own laws and regulations, including traffic laws, environmental regulations, and more. It’s important to familiarize yourself with these to integrate smoothly.


Moving out of Oregon State requires thoughtful planning, including understanding tax implications, adjusting to new climates, and handling legal document updates. By thoroughly preparing for these changes, you can ensure a smoother transition to your new home state.

Did you know...?

Are there items you can’t move?

There are certain items that cannot moved in moving trucks. Those items include:

  • Combustible Liquids (rubbing alcohol, antifreeze, cleaning materials, etc.)
  • Corrosive Liquids (Acid, Bleach, etc.)
  • Explosives (Fireworks, Ammunition, Dynamite, etc.)
  • Flammables (Aerosol Cans, Gasoline, Kerosene, Ammonia, Propane, etc.)
  • Food Items (Nothing perishable, subject to freezing, or sold in a bag or box)
  • Plants (No live plants or soil)
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