International move

Same Day Moving

In today’s world, where the rhythm of life is rapidly accelerating, sudden events and unexpected changes in the daily routine are becoming more and more common. And in this context, the Same Day Moving process is of particular importance....
International move

Museum Relocation

Museum relocation is not only about moving exhibits and artefacts from one place to another. It is a complex process inextricably linked to the preservation of cultural heritage and historical values. A museum, being a repository of unique collections...

Did you know...?

Is There a Difference Between a Quote and Estimate?

Simply put, a quote is an exact price for a job set by the mover while an estimate is the mover’s best guess as to how much it will cost, subject to change. A quote is set in stone, unless there is a variation to your contract, which would include extra work or a change in the scope of a job. There is no such thing as a binding estimate, your contractor can change the price for a variety of reasons.

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