What you need to know during moving to Washington State


Moving to Washington State is an important step that requires careful preparation and careful planning. In this article, we will talk about the important aspects that you need to pay attention to when moving, so that this process goes as smoothly as possible and without unnecessary stress.

Washington is one of the most beautiful and diverse states in the United States, famous for its natural charm, developed economy and high standard of living. If you are planning to move to Washington, you can learn about its main features and differences from other states to prepare for a new life.


Natural features


1.Unique nature:

Located in the northwestern part of the United States, Washington State is known for its stunning and diverse nature. From majestic mountain peaks to dense forests and scenic coasts, Washington offers unique landscape and natural attractions, making it one of the most beautiful states in the country.

1.1 Cascade Mountains


The Cascade Mountains, which spread throughout the state, are one of the most impressive mountain ranges in North America. There are several active volcanoes here, including the famous Mount St. Helens, which erupted in 1980. At a height of 4,392 meters, Mount Rainier is the highest point in the state and a national park that attracts thousands of tourists and climbers every year.

1.2 Olympic Mountains and National Park


The national park of the same name as the Olympic Mountains, which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, is located on the Olympic Peninsula. The park is famous for its diverse ecosystem, from snow-capped peaks to temperate rainforests and coastlines. Here you can find unique species of plants and animals, many of which are unique to this region.


1.3 Pacific Coast

The coast of Washington State along the Pacific Ocean offers stunning views and diverse landscapes. Long sandy beaches, steep cliffs and gentle coves make the area ideal for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Many trails and parks, such as La Push Park and Ruby Beach, offer excellent opportunities for hiking, birdwatching and marine animals.


1.4 Lakes and rivers


Washington State is also rich in water resources. One of the most famous reservoirs is Lake Washington, located near Seattle. In addition, the Columbia River, one of the largest rivers in North America, flows through the southern part of the state, providing excellent conditions for fishing, kayaking and other water sports.


1.5 Temperate rainforests


The western part of the state is known for the densest and wettest temperate rainforest in the world. The Ho and Keno forests in the Olympic National Park are a wonderful place where you can see huge trees covered in moss and enjoy the atmosphere of pristine nature.


1.6 Eastern Washington


The eastern part of the state is significantly different from the western one. Here, the climatic conditions of the drier continent predominate. The landscape consists of wide grasslands, canyons and farmland. 1 of the natural wonders of eastern Washington is Grand Cooley, a large glacial canyon created by ancient floods.

The nature of Washington State amazes with its diversity and grandeur. Cascading and Olympic mountains, picturesque coasts, deep lakes and rivers, and unique rainforests make this state a real paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. The move to Washington provides a unique opportunity to live within this natural beauty and explore its boundless horizons.

2. Climate: 


The climate of the state is diverse. The west, including Seattle, has a mild and humid climate with frequent rains, especially in the fall and winter. At the same time, the eastern part of the state has a drier continental climate, accompanied by hot summers and cold winters.

Economic and social characteristics


1. Developed economy:

Washington State is one of the most economically developed and dynamic regions in the United States. Its economy is characterized by a variety of industries, a high level of technological innovation and a large investment in technology and education. In this article, we will look at key aspects of the Washington State economy and find out why its economy has become one of the most powerful in the country.


1.1 Main economic sectors


Technology and IT industry


Washington State, and especially its largest city Seattle, is home to many tech giants. Among them are two of the largest technology companies in the world. This creates a huge number of jobs and stimulates the development of innovations and startups.

Technology Hub: King County has many technology companies and research centers, making the area one of the leading high-tech and IT industries.


Aerospace industry


Boeing is one of the world’s largest aircraft manufacturers and has a significant presence in Washington State. Several of the company’s factories and research centers are located in the Seattle area.

The aerospace industry provides tens of thousands of jobs and makes a significant contribution to the economic development of the region.





The eastern part of Washington State is known for its vast farmland. The state is the largest producer of apples, pears, cherries and other fruits.

In addition, Washington has become an important player in the U.S. agricultural market because it produces a significant amount of grain, grapes (for winemaking) and vegetables.


Health care and biotechnology


The state also has a vibrant health care and biotechnology industry. Seattle is a center of biomedical research and innovation. Such institutions as the Fred Hutchinson Institute and the Center for Genomic Sciences are located here. The high level of medical research and development attracts investment and promotes job creation in this area.




The natural beauty of Washington attracts millions of tourists every year. National parks, mountain resorts and cultural attractions generate significant revenue from the tourism industry. The city of Seattle is also a popular tourist destination for its museums, music and cultural events.


Investing in education and science


Washington State actively invests in education and research, which is an important factor for long—term economic growth:

High-quality universities: Washington State University and the University of Washington are leading educational institutions that attract students and researchers from all over the world.

Research centers: The state is home to many research centers and laboratories that work in a wide variety of fields of science and technology.


Taxation and business climate


Tax advantages: There is no personal income tax in Washington State, which makes it attractive to highly paid professionals and entrepreneurs.

Business support: Government programs and initiatives actively support the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which contributes to economic diversity and sustainable growth.


Washington’s economy is an example of a successful combination of different industries, innovation and high-tech. A well-developed IT industry, a strong aerospace industry, prosperous agriculture, and significant investment in education and science create a solid foundation for the nation’s further growth and prosperity. Moving to Washington provides an excellent opportunity for professional growth and a high quality of life.

High standard of living:


The state is known for its high standard of living, quality health care and education. Seattle and its surroundings offer a variety of cultural and recreational activities, good infrastructure and a high quality of life.

Education and culture



  • Education:

    Washington State is home to several well-known universities and colleges, including the University of Washington and Washington State University. The state education system is highly valued and offers a variety of opportunities for quality education.

  • Culture and leisure:

    Seattle and other major cities in the state are known for their cultural diversity. Here there are museums, theaters, music festivals and many restaurants with dishes from different countries of the world. Seattle is also considered the birthplace of grunge music and the birthplace of many famous musical groups.

Ecological features



  • Environmental Consciousness:

    Residents of Washington actively support environmental initiatives. Waste recycling, energy saving and the use of renewable energy sources are widely developed here. Seattle is particularly known for its environmental policy and commitment to sustainable development.

Taxes and cost of living

  • Taxes:

    It is important to know that there is no personal income tax in Washington State, and this can be a huge advantage. But here it is worth considering that it is one of the highest sales taxes in the country.

  • Cost of living:

    The cost of living in Washington, especially in big cities like Seattle, can be very high. House prices and rental prices can significantly exceed the national average, so it is important to take this factor into account when planning a move.


Moving to Washington has many advantages: beautiful nature, a developed economy, a high standard of living and a rich culture. But you need to be prepared for high housing prices and climatic conditions. Carefully plan your move, choose a reliable career company and enjoy a new life in one of the most attractive US states.

For more information about the state, visit the website  https://wa.gov/


Here are a few important steps in the moving process:


1. Choosing a transportation company


One of the first and most important steps of moving is choosing a reliable carrier company. What you should pay attention to:

  • Reputation: Research customer reviews and company ratings. A reliable company should have good reviews and high ratings.
  • Experience: See how many years the company has been operating in the market. Experienced companies are usually more professional and know all the nuances of transport.
  • License and insurance: Make sure the company has all the licenses and insurance required to carry out the transportation.

2. Planning the move


Planning is the key to a successful move. Start preparing a few weeks before the scheduled date:

  • Create a to-do list: Create a detailed plan that includes all stages of movement, from packing things to installing furniture in a new location.
  • Set a deadline: Set a date for each stage so that everything is done on time and without fuss.

3. Packing


Proper packaging is the key to the safety of your belongings during transportation. Use the following tips:

  • Buy high-quality materials: boxes, petit petit, adhesive tape and other packaging materials must be durable and reliable.
  • Labeling: Sign the box and indicate what is in the box and to which room the box belongs. This simplifies the unpacking process.
  • Special attention to fragile items: Wrap the fragile items  and put them in separate boxes marked “fragile”.


4. Ordering movers

Movers are professionals that make it easier for you to carry heavy and bulky items. When you order a mover, please pay attention to:

  • Professionalism: Movers must be trained and have experience in transporting furniture and other heavy objects.
  • Cost of services: Find out the cost of services and what is included in this price. Some companies offer turnkey services such as packaging, transportation and unpacking of things.


5. Delivery and placement of belongings


In th. e last step, it is important to organize the delivery and placement of belongings in the new home:

  • Shipping Management: Make sure all goods are delivered safely. Check the availability of all boxes and furniture on the list.
  • Unpacking and installation: If you order a turnkey service, the movers will help you unpack and install the furniture in a new location.


We are pleased to provide the service of our moving company. Moving to Washington State with our moving company is a step towards a new beginning in one of the most beautiful and dynamic states in the United States. We offer professional relocation services to make your transition as smooth and fun as possible. 

Moving to Washington is a difficult but exciting process. Reliable transport companies, competent planning, proper packaging and professional movers will help you cope with this difficult task. If you follow our advice, your movements will be easy and hassle-free. Good luck in your new home!


Contact us in any way:

Telephone: (954) 773-9667

E-mail: abs@absoluteinc.org

Website: https://absoluterelocationservices.com